Automated Marketing

Why do I need Automated Marketing whatsapp/email/sms?

Imagine running a busy restaurant, constantly juggling orders, managing reservations, and keeping your customers happy. Sound familiar? Well, in today’s digital world, marketing can feel like that same chaotic kitchen – always buzzing, demanding attention, and leaving you longing for a helping hand. Enter Automated Marketing: your digital sous chef, taking care of repetitive tasks and delivering personalized experiences to your customers, even while you’re busy working your magic behind the scenes.  Think of WhatsApp, email, and SMS as your tireless kitchen staff, each with unique skills: 
  • WhatsApp: The personal touch – send targeted messages, answer queries, and build relationships directly with your customers, right in their palm. 
  • Email: The informative chef – deliver newsletters, promotions, and valuable content to nurture leads, promote engagement, and drive conversions. 
  • SMS: The timely reminder – send appointment confirmations, order updates, and exclusive offers, ensuring your customers stay informed and connected. 
But Automated Marketing isn’t just about automation; it’s about smart automation. We go beyond simply sending out messages; we craft data-driven campaigns tailored to your unique audience and goals. Here’s how: 

Why is Automated Marketing so crucial?

Targeted Customer Journeys

We create personalized sequences based on user behavior, ensuring each message resonates and guides them towards purchase or desired action.

Triggered Automation

No need to manually send reminders; set automatic triggers based on actions like website visits, abandoned carts, or birthdays, keeping your brand top-of-mind.

Performance Tracking and Optimization

We constantly monitor results, analyzing opens, clicks, and conversions to refine your campaigns, maximize impact, and ensure your ROI keeps simmering.

Seamless Integration

Connect your automation with your CRM, e-commerce platform, or analytics tools, creating a smooth, data-driven workflow that fuels your marketing success.

Investing in Automated Marketing is investing in efficiency, personalization, and growth. It’s like adding a team of skilled, tireless assistants to your digital kitchen, freeing you to focus on the bigger picture while ensuring your customer experience is always delicious.

Solstium Approach​

We don’t throw random ingredients into a pot and hope for the best; we create strategic recipes based on your unique needs and preferences. Here’s how we cook up marketing magic:
  • Deep Audience Understanding: We delve into your customer demographics, behaviors, and preferences, ensuring every message hits the right taste buds.
  • Channel Expertise: We master the art of each platform, crafting compelling content and tailoring campaigns for maximum impact on WhatsApp, email, and SMS.
  • Compelling Content Creation: From witty text messages to eye-catching emails, we create content that keeps customers engaged, informed, and eager for more.
  • Seamless Automation Design: We craft automated workflows that flow smoothly, responding to customer actions and delivering the right message at the right time.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: We constantly monitor and analyze performance, A/B testing different elements and refining your campaigns for continuous improvement.
Our collaborative approach keeps you in the loop, ensuring you’re the head chef in your own kitchen. We believe in transparency and open communication, working hand-in-hand to create campaigns that not only taste delicious but also deliver measurable results.

Success Stories

Solstium’s marketing automation expertise has helped countless businesses savor success. We’ve:
  • Increased e-commerce conversion rates by 25% for a fashion brand through personalized WhatsApp messages offering exclusive discounts and styling tips.
  • Boosted email open rates by 30% for a travel agency with targeted campaigns based on past booking preferences and travel inspirations.
  • Reduced appointment no-shows by 15% for a dental clinic with timely SMS reminders and confirmation messages.
Our success stories are testaments to the power of our strategic approach and commitment to client goals. We’re not just marketing automation experts; we’re your partners in crafting unforgettable digital feasts that leave your customers coming back for more.


Automated marketing packages vary depending on your chosen channels, campaign complexity, and desired volume of messages. We work with you to create a custom plan that fits your budget and delivers maximum impact. Remember, automated marketing can save you time and money in the long run by increasing efficiency and reducing manual tasks. 

The best platform depends on your target audience, desired outcomes, and brand voice. WhatsApp works well for personalized interactions and building relationships, email is strong for nurturing leads and delivering content, while SMS excels at timely reminders and transactional updates. Our expertise lies in recommending the right mix of channels and crafting cohesive campaigns across them. 

Data privacy and security are paramount in our approach. We adhere to all relevant regulations and best practices to ensure your customer data is protected and used responsibly. Transparent communication and clear opt-in processes are also crucial to building trust with your audience. 

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